Saturday, October 31, 2015

Okay let's try this again.....

Happy Halloween everyone. Today was a windy, cool day--this morning when I awoke it was 24 degrees outside when I went out to both take Orso and have my coffee (I sit outside on weekend mornings and drink my coffee...even if it is is like my little daily meditation.....). Amanda got in a great four miler with Beth, and I did a ride along the rail trail and then did some lifting....

Amanda did a great job with snacks for our Halloween festivities, which included a hugely busy Saturday night on Military Ave. She put together some awesome snacks like these 'pepper-o-lanterns' filled with...well...vegetables...

And let's not forget about "Frankenguac," which was guacamole shaped like the MONSTER from Frankenstein....olives, sour cream, and chips made up the whole ensemble...

George put together a fantastic American Chop Suey for all to enjoy. Below is a 'pregame' shot of some of the Halloween kids; Cindy and Dana's (next door neighbors) grandkids come to trick or treat in our neighborhood--Callum and Maira are friends with Robert, Zephyr, and Keelan (and let's not forget about Madison, the black lab, who is Orso's new friend!). Maira likes being the only girl...she is a little flirt....hahaha. Callum is the red power ranger, by the way....he is tall!

And here is just a funny shot of the two from earlier this afternoon. Maira was a cheetah and loved shaking her little butt/tail for anyone who asked....

And let us not forget that today is the best day!! We set our clocks back tonight! Darkness prevails!!